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Tyler A. Pencek has been an entrepreneur from the age of three, when he began selling golf balls he retrieved from his family’s backyard. He graduated from college and earned an MBA by the age of twenty-one but then entered the workforce with the keen sense that he wanted something more than the conventional business world had to offer. He left the rat race to follow an even more demanding calling: he became a pilot in the United States Marine Corps. This life-changing experience inspired Tyler to bring his message to the young people of America. Whatever they’re learning in school, Tyler believes it’s not the type of knowledge they need to get by as adults.

Chapters such as “Credit,” “Buying a Car,” and “Real Estate” are the courses offered at Real Life School. Each of Tyler’s recommendations is intended to serve as guidance for those who follow his path. In the final chapter, “Now It’s Up to You,” the author stresses the importance of individuals taking control of the financial and professional aspects of their lives. Graduates of the Real Life School may not get a diploma, but they do receive a guide to a life of unlimited potential and a meaningful future.