Episode 10: Some Take Aways As A Family in the Military | With Hannah Pencek
Hannah and Tyler talk about life in the Military as a Family
In this episode of the Real Life School podcast, we dive into the perspective of living life as a family in the Military. Hannah gets a chance to explain her side of the lifestyle in a fun way for other spouses to resonate with. We discuss some interesting scenarios, and challenges we both experienced.
We first met we while I was living in Hawaii, and I was stationed there for 4 years. Then we got orders! Marine Corp kept me flying, so I was super pumped to continue flying. So I came home and I said. “hey babe we got orders”. Hannah explains how it really went down, and how she moved from from Alabama to Hawaii and then we had this conversation. So she mentions that she had already made a few sacrifices. She responds with, “we did not get orders, you got orders”
“Put a ring on it, I’m not moving again”